Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Sideboarding, good,bad and fugly

In today's meta you'll see lots of powerful decks with amazing combos and tons of variety. one of the great,or to some, worst things about this game is the Sideboard. Yu-gi-oh is one of the few games where sideboardinding can mean the difference from winning and from Losing.

Theres allot of ways to go about sideboarding but the most effective way is to sideboard for all situation and the shortfalls of your deck. For  example , if your deck syncrho summons allot you may want to side cards like Trap stun and Royal decree to protect yourself from Royal Oppression and Bottomless trap hole.

you may also want sideboard to stop your opponent's deck. Decks like Macro Cosmos can really hamper you chances of beating you opponent so siding Mass Field removal like Malevolent Catastrophe , Fairy Wind, and A Wingbeat of Giant Dragon. Here's some examples of cards you may want to consider for sideboard.

Destroy 1 face-down monster and remove it from play. If the monster is a Flip Effect Monster, both players must remove from play all monsters from their Decks with the same name as the destroyed monster.

Destroying and Removing from play face down cards  is great. getting rid of all Flip monsters from there deck, Even Better! Great for those GK spy's which we will be seeing allot of. awesome vs Xsabers using there Darksoul and Emmersblade.This should be in Every one's sideboard.

Destroy and remove from play 1 face-down Spell or Trap Card. If it was a Trap Card, both players must remove from play all cards in their Deck with the same name as it.
Again another amazing card, especially if your not playing a trap heavy deck. Destroying and removing from play all those Solemn Warnings,War Chariots and Saberhole can greatly turn the game into your favor, also killing a Spell/trap is great, but hitting a trap for the possible +2 makes it Amazing this format, great for any side deck.
When this card inflicts Battle Damage to your opponent, you can select and activate 1 of these effects:
● Discard 1 random card from your opponent's hand.
● Send 2 cards from the top of your opponent's Deck to the Graveyard.
This a a great underrated sideboard card. Being a warrior is search able by Rota,Try him with Solidarity, Dark also makes it a allure target. Don Zaloog is a great splash able card for any dark deck or warrior deck. being 1400 atk gets Under Bottomless and his effect Can cripple your opponent.This makes a great sideboard card in decks that keep him protected without much effort, suchs as gadgets with all the 1for1 Hate, or even Scraps,Who wants to Swing over a Don Zaloog when they will get Smacked with Scrap Dragon next turn, and hey hes dragon fodder and sync material!

These are a few cool cards you should consider to add to your sideboard and theres TONS more.Penguin Soldier,Gravtic Orb,Whirlwind Weasel and Needle Ceiling are just a small taste of cards that Should be side boarded, or even Main boarded. Enjoy!

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